Barclays SWOT Analysis 2024 – Barclays Plc.

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SWOT Analysis Of Barclays analyzes, Barclays is a British company that is among of the largest companies on the banking and financial services industry. It is a retailer wholesale, wholesale, and investment banking. It is a well-known company. The bank runs its operations in two groups. The one cluster is called known as the Corporate and Investment Banking and Wealth and Investment Management cluster and the second one is Retail and Business Banking.

Did you know?

Barclays’ international expansion began in earnest in 1925 when it merged three banks in Africa, the Middle East and the West Indies.

Barclays business can be traced back to two Quakers called John Freame and Thomas Gould, who established themselves as goldsmith bankers in Lombard Street in the City of London in 1690. Their business flourished, helped in no small part by its Quaker connections. Barclays Bank plc, which has had a branch presence in India since 1990, has achieved market leading positions in its chosen lines of business that include Corporate Banking & Investment Banking. Barclays has been a Top 5 arranger of domestic debt since 2010 and a Top 3 arranger of offshore bonds in 2012.

This can only be achieved through a firm with extensive knowledge, experience, and innovative strategies. To determine the strengths of the company potential, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, it is necessary to conduct a SWOT analysis by Barclays.

Barclays At A Glance – Barclays SWOT Analysis

Company: Barclays plc
Founders: John Freame | Thomas Gould
Year of establishment: 20 July 1896, City of London, United Kingdom
CEO: Jes Staley
Headquarters: London, United Kingdom
Employees (Dec 2020): 83,500
Ticker Symbol: BCS
Type: Public
Annual Revenue (Dec 2020): POUND£3.1 Billion
Profit net income (Dec 2020): POUND£611 Million

Products & Services: Bespoke loans | Current accounts | Personal loan | Home insurance | Life insurance | Travel insurance | Mortgage calculators | Portfolio finance

Company Website:

Top Barclays Competitors 

Competitors: HSBC | Banco Santander | Bank of America | BNP Paribas | UBS | NatWest Group | Metro Bank | Citibank | 

Barclays SWOT Analysis – SWOT Analysis Of Barclays

SWOT Analysis Of Barclays analyzes the brand based on its strengths weak points, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. With Barclays SWOT Analysis it is clear that the advantages and disadvantages are internal factors, while threats and opportunities are external elements. Here we are going to talk about Barclays SWOT Analysis. Below Is The Detailed SWOT Analysis Of Barclays.

Barclays Strengths – Barclays SWOT Analysis 2024

1. Brand name It is not a surprise that Barclays is among the most well-known financial brands in the world. They are the main sponsor of the English Premier League which gives their name a massive amount of popularity across the globe. From the young to the older players, Barclays is a brand that they see every day. The company is building massive quantities of goodwill and, in doing so, is making sure that young people are aware about Barclays when they are old enough to be financially responsible.

2. ATMs and branches: The bank operates more than 4500 branches and branches across over 50 nations. They also provide personal banking services via post office branch. They are also members of the international ATM alliance, which permits customers from a variety of banks to withdraw funds from ATMs of banks that are members without paying the cost.

3. Innovative: Innovation Barclays is at the center of innovations throughout the decades. It launched the very first credit card the year 1966 and has also recently launched the One Pulse card, which combines many functions into one card.

Barclays Weaknesses – SWOT Analysis Of Barclays 2024

1. Ethical Tangles: The company ran into ethical issues after providing services to those from Zimbabwe who are part of Zanu PF. Zanu PF. Investors began to question the integrity as well as the ethics and morals of Barclays.

2. Director pay is high: Another time that the reputation of the bank sank when it was revealed that the bank was paying hefty director bonuses. There was speculation as to the main reason Barclays decided not to receive government-funded loans was that it would revoke their freedom to decide on the use of their funds.

3. In the market by ABN Amro: Barclay’s attempt to enter in the Asian market was rejected by ABM Amro in 2006 and the company had to pay for major expenses paid to develop an alternative approach to entry method.

Barclays Opportunities – Barclays SWOT Analysis

1. Emerging market: There are excellent potential to invest in Barclays in emerging economies , where there is a growing need for credit both in the wholesale and retail banking sectors. The need to expand and growth will result in an increase in demands for credit. Barclays could profit from this.

2. A rise in financial awareness in the minds of young people: As the levels of education are rising and the economy is improving, there will be a rise in the number young people seeking investment opportunities. Barclays have a good image recall among young people, due to its status as an English Premier League sponsor, and should take advantage of this brand recall to reach young people from the beginning of their investment journey . The goal is to keep the customers as loyal clients for the course of.

3. A wider range of products and services: The company must be able to offer a wider range of services in order to draw new customers. They should strive to improve cross-selling.

Barclays Threats – Barclays SWOT Analysis

1. Closing branches: in 2000, Barclays closed a series of branches, and later gained an image as not being a user friendly business. Others banks took advantage of this and promoted themselves as customer-friendly companies which kept branches open.

2. Position in Asia: Barclays’s standing in Asia isn’t as solid as its position in Europe. The business operations in Asia must be examined at in depth and with great care. The current companies in Asia have established their positions, and it’s likely to be difficult for Barclays to gain ground in this market.

3. Economic Stability: As with any other bank economic stability is always a threat. The position of banks could be rapidly altered within a couple of months when something goes wrong in the macroeconomic situation.

Barclays SWOT Analysis Overview Template 

This is the SWOT report that Barclays has done. Please let us know if you have additional suggestions to add.

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